違法播「獨」當藝術 人如作品皆惡俗
Illegally advocating "Independence for HK", Artist is as vulgar as his art works
文匯報 - WenWeiPo (Chinese state media)

Another exhibitor, Ricker Choi (蔡維紀) who claims to be a “senior financial risk management consultant” in Canada, immigrated to Toronto, Canada with his family from Hong Kong at the age of 13, and has rarely contacted Hong Kong since then. However, Ricker Choi has been brainwashed by his parents' anti-China remarks since he was a child, and he is full of prejudice against China. During the 2019 Hong Kong riots, he not only participated in local activities in Toronto to support Hong Kong riots, but also created a large number of "HK Independence" paintings and "HK Independence" piano work. As of October 2020, he has "created" at least 24 "HK Independence" paintings and a "HK Independence" piece called "Hong Kong XX Song". In order to spread the awareness of "Hong Kong independence", in November 2020, Ricker accepted the invitation of the "Students' Union" of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to display his "HK independence" art on the campus of CUHK, but was exposed. On the eve of voting in the Hong Kong Legislative Council election in December 2021, he incited voters to boycott the election on social platforms, which clearly violated the Hong Kong National Security Law and election regulations. In late January this year, Ricker gave dissident Nathan Law a portrait, a Hong Kong rioter who had fled overseas.
Article Link: 違法播「獨」當藝術 人如作品皆惡俗

<Investigative Report> Fled rioters financially broken, use art exhibition to sell "HK Independence" works
These so called "artists" has in past few years been advocating riots, has created many works that glorified violence, HK Independence, and smeared HK government and HK Police. Amongst them Kacey Wong, Ricker Choi are the worst.
Article Link: 【調查報道】走佬黑暴窮到燶 搞展覽炒賣「獨」品

Exhibit in London advocating "HK Independence": List of Artists - 2022-04-20
Ricker Choi:
Canadian, Financial Risk Manager
Article Link: 倫敦播「獨」展覽參展人

The organization introduced that the concert will be held on May 11th, featuring Ricker Choi, who is allegedly violating the Hong Kong National Security Law. According to his social media profile, he describes himself as someone who "uses art to honor HongKongers' struggle against tyranny and sells paintings to help raise funds for various Hong Kong organizations."
Article Link: 移英「手足」疑搞音樂會自肥

However, when a Hong Kong Wen Wei Po reporter searched for "Glory to Hong Kong" on YouTube yesterday, not only were the songs uploaded years ago still listed, but "Ricker Choi," who produced a lot of "seperatist"-themed drawings and music during the anti-extradition protest, also uploaded a video of "Glory to Hong Kong - 250-Chorus" yesterday (the 9th). Furthermore, all other related content on his page remained "intact."
Article Link: 【禁制「獨歌」】網絡平台任搜 涉嫌藐視法庭 全城促「獨歌」立即下架