Pianist Ricker Choi Talks About His Artivism & Upcoming Concert (Ludwig Van Toronto)
Ricker Choi is a pianist by inclination, and a passionate supporter of political prisoners and victims of political oppression. He’s combined both in an upcoming multimedia concert on November 2. Choi’s concert series looks to draw attention to important global issues, even as it celebrates great music. Several artists will perform various works that revolve around global issues of freedom and oppression. Choi calls his practice artivism, and the proceeds go to related charities and agencies. He talked to LvT about the show...... see link

Concert at Flato Markham Theatre pays musical tribute to Hong Kong protests (Markham Economist & Sun)
It is a concert about a connection to Hong Kong, the birthplace of Ricker Choi lived in Markham. Choi will bring a piano concert to Flato Markham Theatre on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022 at 7 p.m. The concert will feature his composition “Hong Kong Rhapsody,” which expresses his emotions around the protests in Hong Kong and the protesters’ fight for freedom. Net proceeds of the concert will go to Banyan Tree Aid. That is a community interest company registered in the U.K. that assists those arrested in Hong Kong for their pro-democracy stance. It aims to build a community support network and support human rights...... see link

Hong Kong protesters seek new a life in Canada
(Globe & Mail)
On the evening of 7-21-2019, a mob wearing white T-shirts and wielding sticks attacked pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. In Toronto, artist Ricker Choi was shocked, angered and sad. The Hong-Kong born Mr. Choi, who has a day job as a financial risk management consultant, began painting pictures related to the demonstrations, reaching back to the movement’s beginnings in mid-2019. The paintings now amount to 30, depicting significant events in the protests, and Mr. Choi is selling prints to raise money for Hong Kong democracy activists who are fleeing to Canada for fear of persecution in China.... see link

深信音樂肩負使命 移加港人創作《香港狂想曲》延續蕭邦精神 (大紀元時報)
1830年,20歲的蕭邦捧著盛滿波蘭泥土的銀杯離開他的家園到維也納演出,此去一別,波蘭淪陷,蕭邦隨後移居巴黎,有生之年無法重返故鄉。他將對波蘭的愛傾注於創作的約20首《波蘭舞曲》中,融入故鄉昔日的光輝、現實的無奈及對未來的徬徨,透過旋律代代相傳。歷史輪迴,近200年後,世界的目光聚焦在2019年的「東方之珠」香港,一場史無前例的「反送中」運動,改變了千千萬萬港人的命運,也喚醒了在加拿大長大的港人藝術家Ricker Choi曾經麻木的心,他將對香港的情感投入到《香港狂想三部曲》(Hong Kong Rhapsody)創作之中。 see link

加拿大港人用畫作和音樂為香港抗爭 (看中國)
幾年來他創作了上百幅畫作,並將拍賣個人畫作的14萬加元善款悉數捐贈香港人,這是他參與香港民主運動的獨特方式。 see link

百人列斯合唱《願榮光》 香港藝術家被感動「你要禁我更大聲唱 (RFA 自由亞洲電台)
... 現居加拿大的香港藝術家蔡維紀(Ricker)周日(12日)在YouTube上載影片,片中逾百港人在英國列斯(Leeds)一個港人活動中,在Ricker伴奏下合唱《願榮光歸香港》。
至於台上的Ricker則表示,之前在多倫多及倫敦曾經與觀眾合唱,形容今次歌曲被禁後,被觀眾放聲合唱而感動,又分享這首歌被禁前後表演的分別。Ricker說:「我來倫敦前在多倫多亦有彈(《榮光》),我感覺好像你明言要禁的,我們就要唱得更大聲,感覺就是這樣。我們要多唱、要唱得更大大聲……因為真的是禁歌,亦知道可能有港人會有顧慮,但所有人都很大聲唱,那刻真的很感動。」 ... see link

蔡維紀 (Ricker) 移居加拿大多年,是一名金融風險管理顧問。在反送中示威運動爆發前,他對香港時事可謂不聞不問,連何為『和理非非』、『反國教』甚至『本土派』也不知道。而在今天,Ricker 己經以一名藝術家身份創作過百幅以香港民主運動為主題的油畫、及鋼琴曲《香港狂想三部曲》。。。早前因為疫情等原因受阻,本次音樂會為《香港狂想曲》創作完成後首次公開演奏,亦會在演奏過程中以投影方式展示香港反送中運動的種種埸境。Ricker希望能透過音樂讓更多加拿大人了解及關心香港人所面對的困境,亦有很多加拿大人為音樂而來,在購票之前對香港的情況亳無頭緒。在扣除行政成本後,音樂會的所有門票收益將捐往「細葉榕人道支援基金」幫助在囚港人。.... see link

違法播「獨」當藝術 人如作品皆惡俗 - Illegally advocating "Independence for HK", Artist is as vulgar as his art works - 2022-04-20
...創作大量「獨」畫「獨」曲... 為了傳播「港獨」意識,蔡維紀在2020年11月,接受香港中文大學「學生會」的邀請,將自己的「獨」畫在中大校園展覽,但被人揭發。..... During the 2019 Hong Kong riots, he not only participated in local activities in Toronto to support Hong Kong riots, but also created a large number of "HK Independence" paintings and "HK Independence" piano work...Ricker accepted the invitation of the "Students' Union" of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to display his "HK independence" art on the campus of CUHK see link

蔡維紀說:“香港有200萬人走上街頭確實讓人很感動,同時也因爲2019年反送中時警暴非常嚴重,例如721事件,看到一個城市如何從有法治和自由,變成被警察和極權操控的城市,引發我畫第一個以反送中爲主題的畫。第二件事是831事件當天,也是《願榮光歸香港》出生日,我很想用這首歌再加其他與抗爭有關的香港歌曲編成鋼琴版本,寫了《香港狂想曲》,就是這些事件讓我與香港的連繫變得很近。” 蔡維紀表示,離開香港多年,對香港文化和常用語的記憶停留在90年代,花了不少功夫學習做“香港人”。他透過看香港新聞、與香港的網友互動,學到“和理非”、“本土派”和“泛民”等常用語,瞭解他離開後香港的變化... see link

蔡維紀鋼琴獨奏音樂會 紀錄香港反送中運動
2022年11月5日晚,多倫多港人藝術家蔡維紀(Ricker Choi)在弗拉托萬錦劇院(Flato Markham Theatre)舉行「Freedom Rhapsody」鋼琴獨奏音樂會,紀錄香港「反送中」運動這段歷史,也為支持在囚港青籌款。當天演奏的曲目包括世界名曲:波蘭民族舞曲《英雄》、匈牙利狂想曲《愛之夢》、《海闊天空》等,還有蔡維紀為紀錄香港「反送中」運動而創作的《香港狂想曲》。當晚,蔡維紀近期創作的幾十幅油畫作品在劇場大廳展出,作品再現當年「反送中」運動那些震撼人心的場面。蔡維紀出生於香港,13歲隨父母移民加拿大,他是一名金融風險管理顧問,也是一名鋼琴演奏家和畫家。2019年,香港爆發了一場史無前例的「反送中」運動,蔡維紀為之觸動,並將對香港的情感投入到繪畫和音樂創作中,創作數十幅油畫作品;《香港狂想三部曲》(Hong Kong Rhapsody)也由此產生。 see link

抗暴之戰|移加30年港人自言政治冷感 覺醒後義賣畫作助流亡手足 - Political Indifference to Activist (Apple Daily)
自去年6月起,香港人爭取民主,抗爭從無間斷。一次接一次遊行、集會、佔領、被打壓,甚至失蹤,在許多人心中劃上永不痊癒的傷疤。這些吶喊除了讓更多香港人覺醒,也喚醒許多已移居外地多年的港人。移居多倫多30多年,從政治冷感到主動籌備義賣活動的Ricker Choi是其中一人。 Since June last year, Hong Kong people have fought for democracy. Rallies, suppression, disappearances have drawn scars that will never heal. Their screams have not only awakened Hong Kongers, but also those abroad. Ricker Choi, moved to Toronto 30 years ago, is one of them... in Chinese in English

【專訪】加拿大港人藝術家合辦畫展冀保存抗爭記憶 (RFA 自由亞洲電台)
Ricker、Fiona、Ian之所以互相認識,都是因為在加拿大的社會運動,Ricker跟Ian在反對俄羅斯侵略烏克蘭的遊行中,因「光時旗」而相結識;Fiona及Ricker亦是在前年多倫多612集會中認識。Ricker說,今次合作畫展是機緣。Ricker說:是HUMA最先說想辦畫展,見到倫敦有好多(活動)講關於藝術創作、關於香港,這邊(多倫多)好像就少一些,反正我認識幾位(藝術家),就不如嘗試做一次在多倫多的(畫展)。 其實我見幾位仍有不斷畫關於香港的事,我自己也有繼續創作,及很多創作是關於現在回顧2019年的感覺,我覺得是有需要做畫展,及聯繫在這裡的香港人,好多人仍然覺得19年好像剛剛發生,仍記得哪年哪月哪日自己在哪裡食過催淚彈,19年仍在心中,不如找個方法大家凝聚一齊。 see link

歷「反送中」重拾身份認同 加國港人以演奏會支援囚抗爭者 - 2022-10-31
香港「反送中」運動除了牽動香港的人心,亦令早已移居的海外港人,重拾香港人的身份認同,繼而加入香港民主運動的行列並貢獻更多。自小移居加拿大的香港藝術家蔡維紀(Ricker Choi)自2019年起以音樂及畫作記下抗爭運動的點滴,望以藝術感染更多人,縱因此被黨媒點名批評,亦無阻他繼續舉行演奏會,為在囚抗爭者籌款。 ... see link

港ED時報 - 02/05/2022
香港的721 警黑勾結事件令人憤怒,Ricker 因此創作了這幅作品,亦是他 第一幅有關香港抗爭運動的畫作,721 亦成為觸發 Ricker 全情投入支持香港抗爭運動的轉捩點。小時候,母親常對他說共產黨的邪惡。返深圳時,母親千叮萬囑他要緊緊跟隨,深怕有壞人會拐走他,或摘走他的器官,所以Ricker 一直都十分厭惡中共。因為97回歸,1988 年Ricker 13歲時便隨父母來到加拿大多倫多,那時學校已有不少來自香港的同學,但他們對香港都不大關心。過去30多年,Ricker 只回過香港三至四次,每次亦只逗留不超過一星期,和香港可說早已脫節。..... see link

毋忘2019|5港人藝術家多倫多合辦展覽義賣畫作 收益全數捐助細葉榕 - 04/04/2023
策展人之一Ricker Choi接受《追新聞》訪問時表示,每天看到香港的新聞,都是當權者不斷顛倒黑白是非及改寫歷史,令人非常憤怒,希望透過展覽告訴仍在香港的同路人,大家都沒有忘記2019年發生過的事,海外港人會努力在不同的國際平台,繼續為他們發聲。 「Ricker,唔好搞咁多嘢喇,香港人依家已經唔講政治,大家適應緊新生活。」Ricker說,之前有認識的香港友人勸他不要再透過藝術創作及演出聲援抗爭運動,令他也曾經一度猶豫,「後來有一位啱啱喺香港嚟嘅女仔同我講,唔同意香港人已唔再關心政治,只係目前環境下實在冇辦法發聲,所以鼓勵我更加要繼續透過作品,聲援其他同路人。」同路人一席話,成為Ricker繼續創作的動力..... see link

加拿大人用艺术支持香港 抗争题材画作受欢迎 - 12/15/2020 (Radio Free Asia)
2019年7月的元朗袭击和8月的太子站冲突事件,让香港出生丶但13岁就随家人移民加拿大的蔡维纪震惊不已。他说,看到暴民和警察用棍棒和催泪弹等攻击香港抗争者,不敢相信那是他幼时的出生成长之地所遭遇的处境。..... see link

These Canadians say they will never return to Hong Kong, amid dual citizenship debate (SCMP)
... (3rd Story) The painter
Ricker Choi, who immigrated from Hong Kong to Canada with his family in the 1980s, is a financial risk management consultant in Toronto. But his passion is the Hong Kong democracy movement. An accomplished pianist and artist, Choi composes and sells music in honour of the movement. He also sells protest-themed paintings to raise money for Hongkongers seeking political asylum in Canada. He writes letters to jailed activists in Hong Kong.
.... see more

從漠不關心到力撐香港 加拿大華人心路歷程 - 多倫多大紀元時報 - A Hong Konger-Canadian’s Journey from Political-Indifference to Awaking (Toronto Epoch Times)
2019年香港的夏天註定不平凡,一場轟轟烈烈的反送中運動在香港街頭爆發。上百萬、兩百萬的大規模遊行,警察暴力打壓,街頭的槍林彈雨、硝煙瀰漫,震驚了世界,也震醒了許多海外的香港人。蔡維紀就是其中一位. The summer of 2019 Hong Kong is destined to be extraordinary. Large-scale demonstrations, police brutality, rain of bullets and gunpowder on the streets shocked the world and also awakened many Hong Kong people overseas. Ricker Choi is one of them.... read in Chinese; read in English

The Perfect World - Interview with Amateur Pianist Ricker Choi: 两全其美的生活﹣ 专访业余钢琴家蔡维纪 - QI Post, by LK 2013
蔡維紀(Ricker Choi)白天,他是多倫多宏利金融公司的全職風險系統管理顧問;下班後,他是位鋼琴演奏家,曾在著名的Berlin Philharmonie,於2500名聽眾前演奏李斯特的Totentanz,贏得柏林國際業餘鋼琴比賽第二名。 此外,Ricker跟其他音樂天才還有一點不同之處,就是他並未當過眾人所謂的神童。12歲的時候,第一次接觸樂器是由於就讀的聖保羅男女校規定學生學習樂器,他只好勉為其難地拿起二胡,竟然就此發現了一個新世界,改變了他的一生.... see link

Dedication drives pianist Ricker Choi - Toronto Star, by John Terauds 2008
There is nothing unusual about a summer music festival highlighting its students. But there is something unusual about one of the students who will be on stage at Walter Hall this afternoon. The tall, thin 33-year-old, who is about to play Franz Liszt's daunting Mephisto Waltz on the concert Steinway at the Toronto Summer Music festival is not a full-time student or a full-time musician. He is a project manager for a software company who decided, only three years ago, that he needed more music in his life.... see link

HK Protest Paintings in Zine Magazine "Broken Pencil" 2019
Toronto-based Ricker Choi uses painting to tell the story of the protests. Pieces like Fighting For Freedom, based on a photo by Elson Li, tease out new meanings from imagery typically seen in the media.
Artist Ricker Choi primarily uses acrylic painting to comment back on the narratives of Hong Kong...

How to Perform a Piano Concerto - Grand Piano Passion, by Nancy M. Williams 2012
In 2010, Ricker blazed into Berlin and advanced to the final round of the International Piano Amateur Competition, which called for the six finalists to play a piano concerto with the Sibelius Orchestra Berlin, led by the conductor Stanley Chia-Ming Dodds. Ricker’s dazzling performance garnered him second place...

The benefits of studying classical music: Ricker Choi, business consultant - 96.3 New Classical FM, by Liz Parker 2018
I had a few piano lessons at age seven, when I was still in Hong Kong. But at that time I hated the piano and I quit very shortly. Then, I entered a school in Hong Kong (St. Paul’s Co-educational College) that requires each student to play at least one musical instrument. I picked a Chinese string instrument called Erhu. I played Erhu between age 11 and 14. It was at this school that I got my first exposures to classical music, and I fell in love immediately! In music classes, l heard my classmates perform classical masterworks such as Chopin Waltzes... see link

Music Heals - Concert Review - Dilettante's Diary, by Patrick Donohue 2013
Ricker Choi, the concert’s organizer, has won distinction by ranking among the top winners in several international competitions for amateur pianists. He now works in the financial industry but he dedicates the gift of his musicianship to the benefit of the community. In the case of this concert, for example, the net proceeds will go to SickKids Foundation.....

Amateur Pianist Ricker Choi on Preparing for His Upcoming Concert - Grand Piano Passion, by Joanna M. Eng 2016
How does amateur pianist Ricker Choi manage it all? He is preparing to perform a Rachmaninoff piano concerto, accompanied by a full orchestra, for an audience of hundreds. He has won multiple first, second, and third prizes in amateur piano competitions over the past decade; has performed at the 2,500-seat Berlin Philharmonie; and has played live on Toronto’s 96.3 FM classical radio. Ricker is also a full-time business consultant...

Interview: Amateur is just a label for Toronto pianist Ricker Choi - Musical Toronto, by Margaret Lam 2012
As a 7-year-old, Choi found his first music lessons so boring that he quit. It wasn’t until he heard his friends play Für Elise and Beethoven sonatas at age 12 that his own interest in playing stirred up. Using what he could remember from the half-dozen or so lessons he had taken, he painstakingly worked out every note in Für Elise. The first page took about a month for him to learn how to play, with the unavoidable wrong notes...

In music, unlike when rewiring your house, ‘amateur’ does not mean ‘bad’ - Musical Toronto, by John Terauds 2012
Throw the word ‘amateur’ around, and most people think ‘bad.’ It’s time to change that, at least in the world of music. DIY home renovations have probably reinforced the amateur-equals-bad association. But anyone even remotely adept at diagnosing and fixing wiring can, through a series of tests and apprenticeships, become a licensed electrician and go on to get more work than he or she can handle. The same holds true for plumbers, welders, carpenters and all the other trades... see link

Music Heals - Concert Review - Dilettante's Diary, by Patrick Donohue 2012
Ricker Choi isn’t your typical financial wiz kid. True, he has an MBA and he works as a business consultant for one of the big banks, specializing in financial risk management. But he’s also a very accomplished pianist. In addition to several other major prizes won over recent years, in 2010 he won second prize in the 2010 Berlin International Amateur Piano Competition and, just this year, he won third prize in the Paris International Competition for Outstanding Piano Amateurs... see link

Piano Practice with High-Frequency Hearing Loss - Grand Piano Passion, by Nancy M. Williams 2013
Ricker’s ability to hear and play the music so sensitively doesn’t give away one thing: he has a high-frequency hearing loss. The amateur pianist, who has garnered several prizes at piano competitions and performed a Liszt concerto with full orchestra, sat down to talk with us about how his hearing affects his piano practice and performance, and vice versa. Read on for some of his ingenious tips for musicians who are concerned with their hearing health... see link

Olga Kern in Toronto Feb. 22-23: Piano Master Class - The Wholenote, by Peter Kristian Mose 2012
Ricker Choi presented a fascinating biography. He began the piano at age 13, then dropped it altogether at age 18 for a decade of studies in business and eventual work as a financial analyst. Nowadays he is back to pursuing the piano with a vengeance, despite his day job in the banking industry. He is one of the pack of current hotshot adult amateur piano contestants who travel the globe to compete against other part-time pianists in international amateur competitions, and he has the trophies to prove it. Choi played Liszt’s brash First Mephisto Waltz with clinical precision, spare pedaling, and clear engagement... see link

2012 Concours International de Grands Amateurs de Piano: Ricker Choi: 3rd Place Winner - at Salle Gaveau in Paris 2012
...Some competitors had even gone through vigorous music training and graduated from music academy, but in the end pursued in a non-music career... Ricker who was born in Hong Kong, now working in banking risk management in Canada, was awarded 3rd prize. Competition's jury are all of high calibre and are renowned international pianists and professors... the level of playing was very high, as explained by one of the jury member Zhang Yun... see link

When You Need a Quiet Piano - Grand Piano Passion, by Nancy M. Williams 2012
Ricker Choi is an accomplished amateur pianist from Toronto, Ontario. In the last five years, he has placed in amateur piano competitions from Boston to Berlin. Yet several years ago, after he received a threatening letter from his neighbors, he worried about his ability to sustain his practice...

Toronto amateur pianist Ricker Choi gets centre stage at COC lunchtime concert Nov. 22 - Musical Toronto, by John Terauds 2011
It’s been three years since I met Ricker Choi, financial risk analyst by day, white-knuckle pianist by night. He’s taken every master class and lesson he can get his fingers on, and competes regularly in amateur piano contests. He is also living proof that we can achieve pretty much anything we want, if we really, really try hard. Choi presents an hour-long recital at noon today, as part of the Canadian Opera Company’s regular recital series. The program is a dramatic sandwich: Sonata No. 5 by Alexander Scriabin, four of the Op. 118 Intermezzi by Johannes Brahms and La Valse by Maurice Ravel... see link

Washington’s International Amateur Piano Competition - The Washington Diplomat, by Gail Scott - 2008
The top winner of the Sixth Annual Washington International Piano Artists Competition this year was Ricker Choi, a software engineer originally from Hong Kong who is now making his home in Canada...

COC Free Concert - Ricker Choi - 2011
The Canadian Opera Company continues to sponsor free lunch time concerts at the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre in the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts. Recently featured pianist Ricker Choi had a back story that is as interesting as his performance was impressive. Despite being gifted with musical talent, Ricker chose instead to pursue a business career by getting an MBA and working full time as a financial risk consultant. Yet he still finds enough time to hone his piano skills to place second in the Boston and Berlin International Amateur Piano Competitions and play with the Berlin Philharmonica Orchestra... see link

2012 CCC Music Festival: Ricker Choi - Festival Grand Prize Winner 2012
The CCC piano competition concluded yesterday at the Chinese Cultural Center. Ricker Choi was the Festival Grand Prize Winner, sponsored by Scotiabank. Besides Ricker, there were many other great pianists performed in the festival gala yesterday. Ricker started having piano lessons only when he was 13 years old. He is an experienced performer who has won numerous prizes. Ricker said he is most impressed with the high standard and the superb venue and piano in which the competition was held.

Concert pianist is a risk-analytics specialist by day - Investment Executive, by Kate Betts-Wilmott 2009
When Ricker Choi finished high school, he had to decide whether to pursue a career in music or one in business. A student of the piano at the time, he went so far as to apply for auditions for music programs at post-secondary institutions. In the end, he chose to pursue a business degree at York University in Toronto. Now a risk-analytics program manager for Algorithmics Inc., a provider of risk-management software for the financial services industry in Toronto, Choi, 34, still puts his musical training to good use. An accomplished classical pianist, he organizes concerts featuring himself and other performers to raise money for charitable causes... see link

2012 Concours International de Grands Amateurs de Piano: Ricker Choi: 3rd Place Winner - at Salle Gaveau in Paris 2012
Hong Kong-born Canadian, Ricker Choi, works in financial risk management. He performed Liszt, Brahms, and Ravel's works. Ricker was emotionally very into his performance, causing him almost lost balance when he took the bow. Ricker started learning the piano only after he was 13 years old. Because of university, he stopped piano playing for many years. He started again only 6 years ago after he felt his career was now steady. His goal to come to Paris competition is to be able to perform at the prestigious Salle Gaveau in the final round.... see link